
random cityyy

reflection time once again, most of what im thinking cannot be posted... how does that work? confidentiality among friends should include some sort of blog exception clause ...thing. i will say that i feel repulsive, in the most literal sense of the word. but not in general, because in general its the happiest ive been in a long time.

the latino symposium i had been working on all year went really well last week, my professors even showed, friends too. everyone presented a project, everything from research to short stories, paintings, even architecture projects this year. the keynote speaker was this old, liberal, cuban professor who decided to just tell life stories (by reading excerpts from his memoir). he was charismatic and entertaining, but not at all what you would expect from a keynote speaker, pero ya fue! I can tell my professors respect me and are interested in what I'm doing, which is so exciting... I want to have professors forever. booooo graduation.

my left headphone keeps fading in and out as i move around making models, headache-city.

final review is on wednesday, i need to pull a lot together for this to work, but it will and it'll be awesome. i'm working on a site model made completely of fabric, a la conceptual.

this series is from a trip to the St. Louis Public Library with my graphics class. daniel took all these, i can't take credit, but i do get to publish them here (our agreement only referred to facebook daniel).


im addicted to gmail

its part of my routine, routineroutine.

queen of carolina is an amazing funeral song choice i think. and why shouldnt funerals have songs.... ave maria

freakoutt, is that womanly? FOOD!

hahaaaaaaaa too much caffine - jittery goodbye!

also, "i love him scintillating too"- caitlin

in response to your comment annie...... i know nouvelle vague! you saw a performance? its pretty funnn, is it more than just covers, i should know but i dont...


holy shit damali ayo

women and art
and race and consciousness and sincerity...

damali ayo spoke about herself and shared experiences of black women. She's hilarious... quoted Jerry Seinfeld, something about the difference between actors and comedians, wanting to be anyone but yourself vs. being yourself completely. my favorite piece by her is a color study on flesh tones. She had paint mixers match the tone of different parts of her body and then laid out a portrait of her self on a 12x30ish wall by using what were essentially swatches of her skin. really soothing. damaliayo.com also, rent-a-negro.com is another one of her projects.

my most memorable burst of laughter came when she went on one of her random asides about dating a white guy that "didnt consider her as black." her response was "what? who have you been sleeping with? you've seen every part of me!" So great. I've definitely had this conversation... you're not really "hispanic" right? i mean you're pretty much white, i mean i'd never say i dated interracially..." Minus a million points Isaac!
But to confess, i wasn't exactly outraged by his comment. I just laughed at his denial and probably liked it. fooled 'em again, haha. Today I would be a little more animated by it.

oh! also, al jolson inspired mickey mouse?! i get it now!


i bet you look good on the dance floor

arctic monkies rock....

also Orishas -537 Cuba , thank you Matias... "Donde el sudor del guajiro hace la tierra so~nar" Shall I translate?... where the countryman's sweat makes the earth dream... it feels cheapened now..

so beautiful, the first one is my favorite! Jessica Luts photographed her sister and I got a digital copy of the prints. sooo cool. Las bellas brasileras!


the past 34 hours have been amazing.

I've been giddy about this drawing all day. i started it at 6am today, although I've been sketching about the idea all week. (note that the rest of the week, and night, had been devoted to the other topic of rest areas which ended in an acceptable montage, but it doesn't convey the message successfully, therefore, never ever showing it)

I put together a graphic that shows the lifespan and quality of life (in terms of monetary value contributed to the family) of my matrilineage while also sneaking in the assignment to compare the human body to an automobile. The deep red gestural lines represent the quality of life of those past, the orange-red line is me, hi! and the peachy line would be my descendant, weird.

i really want yu araki to see this because just last night, i reminded him that we were all going to die.

The assignment part of the drawing is comparing the cool areas, which represent the value of a car, to that of my life. (note the immediate drop in the top curve after buying a new car, and also how the money lost after disposing of a car plunges down past the cost of an education, because it's non-renewable) If I were to keep a car for 10 years at a time, I will get a new car about 5 times in my life, sahweet.

The grey tones represent awareness/ consciousness. I can only really remember the value of the used mini-van my mom began to drive in 1995. so the middle grey tone goes from that point until the present, 2006. The black tones are estimation, suggesting the Jetta will stay with me for another 6 years, until 2012.... i can't imagine what I'll do without it.... or what will replace it... Hypercars anyone?

So other things I've noticed that this graphic conveys...
I went from two matriarchs to none... right when I need them to boost me into "contributing-hood" (Good thing matriarchs have matriarch sisters, aunts and great-aunts included).

I have just covered at least 100 years. I will eventually understand the way living practices have changed over ten decades. can't wait to be wise... but obviously i'll never really be old...

The chart came from somewhere, and keeps going somewhere, without me.

Ahh, relief, I get to live past 2050. And have found a way to express how I feel after these past few years.

it took more than an hour to figure out how to make the image small enough to post, i had no idea how awesome illustrator's resolution can be. also, i want to hear comments.