
21 yo

im so close!

i need a job this summer, DC fell through. but i am going to take structures classes and therefore get a bachelor of science in architecture. and maybe that anthro minor i've always talked about completeing.

so if anyone would like to live with me in st. louis this summer. please do. or if you'd like to hire me. please do.

i'd like to go to argentina as soon as possible. quiero practicar el espanol, lo extrano tanto tanto, no se que hacer, necesito viajar lo mas pronto posible. pero quien me va mandar o pagar?, jaj. como dijo carina, que pasaron con los dias cuando no teniamos idea lo que era el dinero. meh.

i went to new york. it was amazing, and made me realize that i should do what ever the hell i want and then tie it into architecture somehow later. young explorer it up.


local nyc hero

local stl hero


Anonymous Anonymous said...

staying in st. louis huh?

10:02 AM  

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